Research Facilities

Through their advisors, MCDB students have access to state of the art equipment and facilities, such as the shared resources of the Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Heart and Lung Institute, transgenic animal facilities, the Supercomputer Center (which houses a Cray Y-MP/864), the transgenic plant facility at the Biotechnology Center, the Arabidopsis Resource Center and the Bacillus Stock Center.

Multiple DNA sequencing facilities exist on campus and students will also have access to structural biochemistry equipment, including state of the art NMR, Mass Spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography equipment. Centralized shared services such as flow cytometry, molecular imaging, macromolecular synthesis, custom gene microarray synthesis, to name only a few, also are available. Many students also participate in collaborations with scientists in local research facilities, including Battelle Memorial Institute, Ross Laboratories, and Chemical Abstracts.