Graduate Student Organization

The MCDB Graduate Student Organization (GSO) is a student-run group which serves to represent the interests of MCDB graduate students as well as to organize social and professional events such as career-development workshops.  The GSO also coordinates all of the student participation in our recruitment events, and the President of the GSO serves as the student representative on the MCDB Graduate Studies Committee.  The officers of the GSO are elected to 1-year terms by a vote of the student body.  For more information, please visit the MCDB GSO web site.

Our MCDB GSO officers for the 2024-2025 year are:

President: Yogesh Budhathoki, 3rd year

Vice President: Joe Caporale, 4th year

Treasurer: Emily Payne, 3rd year

Recruitment Chair: Ma Suu, 3rd year

Social Chair: Adalyn Brown, 3rd year

Professional Development Co-Chair: Christina Budding, 6th year

Professional Development Co-Chair: Mackenzie Turner, 4th year

Community Outreach Chair: Zianne Olverson, 2nd year

Buddy System Coordinator: Sriya Sreekanth, 3rd year

IGP Symposium Chair: Morgan Bauer, 4th year

MLS Committee Chair: Kristina Sattler, 4th year

IT/Merchandise Chair: MK McCulloch, 2nd year