
We are a cutting-edge student-centered interdisciplinary doctoral training program in the molecular life sciences

Mentoring Faculty
Graduate Alumni

Recent News

Congratulations to Kenzie Turner for her first-author paper on tissue-engineered vascular grafts published in Nature Communications

Congratulations to Jessica Herstine on winning first place in the 2023 annual MCDB 3 Minute Thesis competition.  Jess will now advance to the University-wide competition in the Spring. …

Congratulations to Debi Mukherjee for receiving a prestigious 2023-24 Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship in recognition of her outstanding scholarly accomplishments and potential as she…

Congratulations to Gargi Mishra on her first-authored publication entitled "The metabolic and functional roles of sensory nerves in adipose tissues", published in Nature Metabolism

People Directory

Assistant Professor, Physiology & Cell Biology
Assistant Professor, Physiology & Cell Biology
Assistant Professor, Microbial Infection & Immunity
Professor, Mathematics