Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium

People looking at a research poster during an interdisciplinary graduate program symposium
May 21, 2025
8:00AM - 6:00PM
Ohio Union

Date Range
2025-05-21 08:00:00 2025-05-21 18:00:00 Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs SymposiumMonday, March 31, 2025: Abstract DeadlineGraduate Students: All MCDB Graduate Students are required to register to attend, but only students in their third year and above are required to present. Faculty Members:If you are a faculty mentor to a current student, the expectation is that you will judge abstracts or posters. Abstract judging takes place before the date of the symposium, and poster judging takes place on May 21, 2025 at the Ohio Union. If you anticipate being out of town on the date of the symposium, please sign up to judge abstracts.For more information please check the LS-IGP Website, or email your graduate program manager. Register here Ohio Union America/New_York public

Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Symposium

Monday, March 31, 2025: Abstract Deadline

Graduate Students: 
All MCDB Graduate Students are required to register to attend, but only students in their third year and above are required to present

Faculty Members:
If you are a faculty mentor to a current student, the expectation is that you will judge abstracts or posters. Abstract judging takes place before the date of the symposium, and poster judging takes place on May 21, 2025 at the Ohio Union. If you anticipate being out of town on the date of the symposium, please sign up to judge abstracts.

For more information please check the LS-IGP Website, or email your graduate program manager. 

Register here