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Molecular Life Sciences Seminar Series

Autumn 2020 schedule

Seminars are held on Tuesdays at 4-5pm in room 170 Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute (DHLRI)

September 1, 2020

Dyche Mullins
University of California-San Francisco
Prime movers of cell biology: ancient molecular motors and how they work
Host: Sarah Heissler, Sarah.Heissler@osumc.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/91769300412?pwd=dStvd25xL3NzK3dN ajArcE15WDJkQT09 
Meeting ID: 917 6930 0412
Password: 647885

September 22, 2020

Student Wellness Overview
Jordan Helcbergier, OSU Wellness Coordinator
https://osu.zoom.us/j/96140021432?pwd=RThvWDNTTi9jVFlIe jdFdFMxL2JXZz09
Meeting ID: 961 4002 1432
Password: 079874

September 29, 2020

Gaudenz Danuser
UT Southwestern
How cell shape shapes cancer cells
Host: Emmanuele Cocucci, Cocucci.1@osu.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/93407171139?pwd=c0NIUHI0RG1LVzN6 YnRwL1RUdERZZz09
Meeting ID: 934 0717 1139
Password: 032830

October 13, 2020

Arthur Gunzl
University of Connecticut Health Science Center
The trypanosome pre-mRNA splicing machinery and its potential Achilles heel, the cyclin-dependent kinase CRK9
Host: Naduparambil Jacob, Nasuparambil.Jacob@osumc.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/99160386210?pwd=c2JUalFteVdlcUdPa XV2UGV1SFdQQT09
Meeting ID: 991 6038 6210
Password: 760393

October 20, 2020

Baron Chanda
Washington University-St. Louis
Molecular determinants of inverted gating polarity in pacemaker ion channels
Host: Harpreet Singh, Harpreet.Singh@osumc.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/95505604888?pwd=RGRPRkI1RlZEbU5 Kck1LVVRWK3RUUT09
Meeting ID: 955 0560 4888
Password: 244987

October 27, 2020

Aaron Goldman
The Ohio State University
Gene regulatory networks driving zebrafish heart regeneration
Host: Federica Accornero, accornerno.1#@osu.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/98146684955?pwd=ZGIxMUVMZ3hEVmt HaVROaVoxc3I1Zz09
Meeting ID: 981 4668 4955
Password: 77626

November 3, 2020

Anna Dobritsa
The Ohio State University
Leaving a mark: Formation of distinct cellular domains at the pollen surface
Host: Amrit Singh, singh.734@osu.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/93367807595?pwd=Ynh6NkpLbXVnOUI0 NnVJbFlMUWdZUT09
Meeting ID: 933 6780 7595
Password: 423687

November 10, 2020

Harvey Lodish
Stem cells, transit amplifying cells, and the regulation of red blood cell production: Development of new therapies for erythropoietin-resistant anemias
Host: Kristine Yoder, Kristine.Yoder@osumc.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/92457577299?pwd=RjNZTHNISmU2Vm Z0Y08yZDZhbDFFUT09
Meeting ID: 924 5757 7299
Password: 096444

November 17, 2020

Michael Weiss
Indiana University
Proinsulin has evolved to the edge of non-foldabiity: biophysics of the diabetes pandemic
Host: Thomas Magliery, magliery.1@osu.edu
https://osu.zoom.us/j/96602163671?pwd=Y01INW95S29lTDV KaGJwa3BzV2p2QT09
Meeting ID: 966 0216 3671
Password: 985513