

Hsiang-Ling Huang

Hsiang-Ling publishes two first author papers

Congratulations to Hsiang-Ling Huang for her two first author papers describing the use of cryo-electron microscopy to solve the molecular structures of two muscle proteins: dysferlin, published…

Jess Herstine

Jess Herstine receives NIH F99/K00 fellowship

Congratulations to Jessica Herstine for receiving an NIH F99/K00 award titled "Molecular profiling of seizures to provide comprehensive, durable, and targeted treatment for inherited white matter…

Bryan Perez-Soto

MCDB Student Spotlight Award for Service and Engagement

Congratulations to Bryan Perez-Soto on receiving the 2024 MCDB Student Spotlight Award for Service and Engagement.  Bryan was acknowledged for his extensive service to MCDB and the broader…

2024 3MT winners

MCDB 3MT Competition

Congratulations to Electra Coffman, Caden Martin and Emily Payne for earning first, second and third place respectively in MCDB 3MT Competition. Electra will advance to the University-wide 3MT…

Kenzie Turner

Kenzie publishes paper in Nature Communications

Congratulations to Kenzie Turner for her first-author paper on tissue-engineered vascular grafts published in Nature Communications

Jess wins MCDB 3MT competition

Congratulations to Jessica Herstine on winning first place in the 2023 annual MCDB 3 Minute Thesis competition.  Jess will now advance to the University-wide competition in the Spring. …

Photo of Debi Mukherjee

Debi receives Presidential Fellowship

Congratulations to Debi Mukherjee for receiving a prestigious 2023-24 Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship in recognition of her outstanding scholarly accomplishments and potential as she…

Gargi Mishra

Gargi publishes article in Nature Metabolism

Congratulations to Gargi Mishra on her first-authored publication entitled "The metabolic and functional roles of sensory nerves in adipose tissues", published in Nature Metabolism

Anuvrat Sircar

Anuvrat publishes paper in Leukemia

Congratulations to Anuvrat Sircar on his first-authored paper on Mantle Cell Lymphoma, published in Leukemia